Friday, June 10, 2011

Ground Turkey with Potatoes and Spring Peas

I've found the best blog ever. It's called Skinny Taste and is full of recipes that are tasty and low in calories. This recipe today came from that wonderful website. For as simple as I felt like this recipe was, it really was packed with flavor. Sometimes turkey can be so bland, but the cumin and the salt (which I used very very little of) really made a difference.

On top of that, sometimes I love cilantro and sometimes I hate it. I'm not sure what makes the difference, but sometimes I just find it over pungent. Sometimes though it adds that little kick that the dish needed. This was an instance like the latter. The cilantro gave it a kick, but didn't make it overwhelming cilantro.

So for the record, I am not the genius behind this dish. And because of that, I don't even want to post the recipe (since I didn't make any changes either) because I don't think it's fair for me to take credit for something that grew from the tastebuds of someone else.

But don't feel deprived. Just go here for the recipe.

CALORIES: 188 calories
CHOLESTEROL: 55 milligrams
FAT: 2 grams
SODIUM: 388 milligrams

* The picture is showing 1/2 cup of rice with 2 servings of the turkey.

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